Trish McDonald
Trish has over 25 years’ experience working in natural, social and cultural heritage museums, with a strong grounding in all aspects of museum operations. Most recently she has been instrumental in the planning and delivery of several museum developments.
In 2022-23 she worked with Museums of History NSW (formerly Sydney Living Museums) planning a new museum at the Parramatta Female Factory and Institutions Precinct.
From 2009-2021 Trish led a large team of staff, consultants and contractors reimagining the WA Museum's flagship Perth site as part of the the $AUD400M New Museum Project. It opened on time and on budget as the WA Museum Boola Bardip in November 2020. It has won awards for its innovative design and construction, its extensive community engagement process involving over 50,000 Western Australians, and its beautiful, fascinating and interactive exhibitions.